And here we go again! There are reports coming from Minneapolis that Brett Favre has been texting teammates "This is it". I don't know about you but I think that those three cryptic words are quite vague. Maybe he is saying "This is it. This is the year that the Vikings are going all the way!", or, "This is it. Wrangler has made the perfect jeans at the perfect price".
But it sees that his retirement is eminent once again and the Vikings are going to be left with Tavaris Jackson as the starter. Why has Brett Favre decided to call it quits for a third time even though he had one of the best seasons of his career and had a chance to make it to a Super Bowl? His ankle seems to be the answer. Apparently Favre had the intention of returning by having the surgery to his ankle but it is still hurting him. It appears that his body has finally given up on him.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves. There is always the chance that ole #4 continues to hold out until the end of training camp and then comes back. Maybe Jackson sucks it up for the first part of the season and the Vikings plead for Favre to return for the last 10 games of the year and then he does. You can never say never with Favre.
The Vegas odds of the Vikings winning the Super Bowl were 6-1 with Favre and are now 10-1. Again, I find it odd that Favre will choose to retire at a time when he is still playing great football and is on a team with a real chance to win a championship. When he retired with the Jets I said he was done for good and then he came back. Then I think that he is going to return and he gives it up. Unconventional to say the least.
Despite all of the flip-flopping, retiring and unretiring, Favre is one of the all time greats. He was fun to watch, interesting to follow and a pure winner. I will miss cheering for him, cheering against him and then cheering for him again. I do wonder what all of the bandwagon jumpers that went out and bought Favre jerseys last year? Will they now go and buy Tavaris Jackson jerseys to support the team? Something tells me that isn't going to happen.
Happy trails to you, Brett! For now.
Update: Vikings head coach Brad Childress has not heard from Favre about his retirement. Favre's friend, Viking's kicker Ryan Longwell, talked to Favre today on the phone for 15 minutes and Favre never mentioned retirement. Brett has been quiet and has not been heard from at all. Something is fishy here. I feel a famous Favre flip-flop coming...
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