It's a special day in Big Blue Nation: Coach Rich Brooks' Birthday. Pawpaw Brooks turns 69 (69, hahahaha!) today and we at Sportsthat want to wish him the best.
For those of you that do not follow the coach on Twitter you are really missing out. It's like being inside the brain of your retired grandpa.
Twitter topics:
Catching gophers in his garden
The progress of his 'maters
His grand kid's birthday party
Tweeting pictures of his grand daughters (how old are those girls? awkward)
Golfing and what he shot that day
Fishing with Joker Phillips
The senior discount at Denny's
How all of those rotten kids have no respect for their elders
Sitting on his front porch and judging everyone that walks by
How people drive too fast
What's the deal with Snoop Dogg and that Be-Bop music?
Prune Juice and fiber one:the key to regularity
etc... (ok, so only about half of those are true. Can you pick which ones?)
So here is to you coach Brooks! May you live 69 more years. Thank you for bringing UK football back from the dead into it's current form of suspended animation. Joker will take it from here and bring it all the way back to life.
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