The big news in the entertainment world was the two-and-a-half hour series finale of Lost last night. I watched the show for the first three seasons and then stopped because of it's utter ridiculousness and the always annoying, "Next week all the questions will be answered", teasers that led me to believe that something in the next episode was going to happen but it never did. More questions, more ludicrous plots, more annoying scenes with the big fat Hurley.
I stopped watching. Then last night it finally, blessedly, thankfully all came to an end. And what happened? From what I read online today they are all dead or something like it. Just like people have been saying since the first season. What a joke. All the conspiracy theories, the hours people spent online debating, everything that made this show supposedly great landed with a giant THUD and viewers are not happy. But how could they be happy? Everybody knew this was going to happen. Everybody knew that the show was going to tick off everybody that ever watched it. Lost will go down as short-lived cultural phenomenon that saw declining viewership as the years went on due to the lack of answers the show gave. It is destined to become no more than a topic on a VH1 nostalgia show. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
On to the News!:
- Hold on to your hats boys and girls! Mike Brown has been fired as the Cleveland Cavaliers head coach! This is not surprising in the least bit. Brown is not really the coach of the team. He is the mouth piece and puppet for LeBron James. I know NBA coaches really don't do all that much but this guy seemed like he did less than the average guy. I think it stated in his contract to sit down, shut up and let LeBron do what he does. If the Cavs want to keep James they need to get a coach that does more than just act like he is coaching. I am not saying this is Brown's fault, but he wasn't the man for this job. Prepare for more heated Calipari to Cleveland stories.
- The Suns finally beat the Lakers behind Amare Stoudamire's manly 42 point 11 rebounds game. It's about time he showed up for the series. For the Suns to have any kind of a shot to beat the Lakers in this series he has to be a factor. I still expect LA to play Boston in the NBA Finals. I'm just glad the Suns didn't do a total roll over job.
- To add more heat to the LeBron fire, President Obama himself has weighed in or where he thinks LeBron should go. And the team is (drum roll).....Chicago! This is no surprise since Obama is a native of Chicago...and Hawaii...and Indonesia. Hey, let's get this guys birth certificate already! I don't want no Commie, Muslim, Socialist, Hippie telling me where LeBron is going to play basketball! Next thing you know he is going to bring John Wall to Chicago and then he will make an executive decision and bring Dwight Howard there too! Keep Big Government out of the NBA! USA!USA!USA!USA! (Courtesy of your local Tea Party movement/Sarah Palin for President campaign).
- Hockey stinks, there is no doubt about that. But I was in Chicago this weekend and I was in a VFW post while the Blackhawks vs. Sharks game 4 was on and I watched the reaction of people as the Blackhawks won. It's the same and maybe even bigger than Kentucky or Louisville going to the NCAA championship game. I was in downtown Chicago on Saturday and the entire city is waving Blackhawks flags and I couldn't tell you the number of people wearing Blackhawks gear in the street. It was actually pretty cool to see. Congrats to them. Let's see if they can win their first Stanley Cup since 1962.
- Finally, tonight is game 4 between the Magic and the Celtics. Expect the Celtics to complete the sweep against a surprisingly gutless Magic team.
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