Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day's: News of the Day

So for Memorial Day, I decided it was time to start seriously looking for a car. Thus, the first thing I needed to do was secure some money. Where better to look on\the day you think of your Soldiers, Sailors, Marines  than the Navy Federal Credit Union! So I'm on my way, we'll hopefully see if I get approved for this thing tomorrow.

Anyways, without talking about the UK fans vs National Media Cat fighting going on - get it, Cat fighting - here's the news of the day:

  • Jorts, Jon Hood, and Peyton Siva along with the rest of the Kentucky Christian contingency returned to the states today. Congrats to the guys and welcome back.
  • Yeah, apparently the Lord Stanley Cup Finals are being held. Chicago won the first game, and I don't care enough about it to stay up and see who won the second.
  • Things seem to be going the right direction for Washington DC sports. They get to pick a top talent John Wall in the NBA draft next month, and if the selection of #1 overall Stephen Strausburg in the last MLB Draft is any indication, Wall should be a star immediately. Strausburg has dominated AA and AAA ball this season and is expected to be called up this week. He'll pitch against the Pirates for his opener, so a W is in order.  
  • Boogiewoogie has decided to focus his attention on KSR's "Who Wants to be a Blogger" contest. But I don't think he's realized if he is on KSR's list of writers, where will he get his topics from? Seriously though, good luck Boogiewooge.

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