Louisville basketball fans have a lot to be bummed about right about now and should be on suicide watch. Former "solid verbal" Marquis Teague decomitted from Louisville and is now a Wildcat, Samardo Samuels bolted for the NBA, leaving a huge gap in the middle only to be plugged by Terrence "don't tase me bro!" Jennings, Steve Masiello is embroiled in a ticket scam, their new arena is emabarassingly reffered to as "The Bucket" and has the worst actual name of any sporting arena in the country with the KFC Yum! Center, head pimp, I mean head coach Rick Pitino is getting ready for a big trial dealing with his sexual improprieties with someone other than his wife and her extortion attempts, and to top it all off starting guard and lone senior Preston Knowles may be in some trouble with the assault of his girlfriend's step dad that stemmed from a fight over a hairbrush.
To add to the woes of the lowly Cardinals, it has just been made official that former verbal commit Michael Chandler has the University of Kentucky in the lead for his services next year. What a bad couple of months it has been for Cards fans and what a great couple of months it has been for Cats fans. This will add to the already stellar 2011 class and this could make this class the best of all time. I remember 2 years ago when all of the UofL fans were bragging about how they were going to have the greatest class in the history of the world. Looks like things have changed Little Brother. At least football is around the corner. Maybe they won't suck as bad as they have in the last 3 years.
But I don't see a victory against Kentucky or a bowl game in their future just yet.
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