Yes friends it is true. After only one post on Cardchronicle, your friendly neighborhood jerk UK fan has been banned from the website. What led to the ban you ask? As I was reading an article on Michael Chandler's interest in Kentucky, I started to look at all of the negative comments that the Cards had for their once beloved Michael Chandler. I found this to be absolutely ridiculous so I created an account under the name Boogiewoogie (of course!) and I pretty much called them out on it, saying that the fans had nothing but great things to say about the kid when he was a Cardinal, but now he is A). Dumb and B). Not that good. No profanity was used, I didn't say anything out of line, I just made the point that they were hypocrites.
I checked Cardchronicle this morning, as I do every morning, and found 8 comments directed at yours truly. I didn't mind, I was asking for it. One comment was saying that Chandler will fit in at UK because Calipari only coaches thugs, blah, blah, blah... I was going to write a reply saying that UofL is actually the team full of thugs, i.e. Jennings, Smith, Knowles, Sosa, Pitino, Stevie Little Stacks, our players have no ongoing trials or continued run ins with the police, etc... As I was going to start to defend my honor and reply, a message popped up stating "You are banned from Cardchronicle. You can browse but you cannot participate." Well SOB! I am wondering if they only ban UK fans since the guy that called me a moron is still probably able to post. Besides, I do know that it is a Cardinal fan website, so I wasn't that shocked.
Here at Sportsthat we welcome all opinions and all thought processes. As long as you keep it clean and keep it funny, you can post your opinion, whatever it may be. We do not discriminate based on fan affiliation or bias. Please feel free to comment and have healthy, productive and stimulating debates.
Up Yours Cardchronicle,
P.S. Here is the conversation in question: Boogiewoogie owns Cardchronicle
Bounced after just one comment....boy I had no idea you had such power in your opinion. But you knew going in the hornet nest it wasnt going to be pretty....Tough Love is hard in any arena.....I still love ya, UKnow it all
ReplyDeleteHaha, I had no illusions of what was going to happen, but truthfully I didn't say anything that bad. You can look at the comments, I posted the link. I was under the name Booigewoogie. Pretty funny if you ask me!
ReplyDeleteI think the start with "Dirty Birds" did you end and not the whole content!! You are funny....