A loyal fan of the site sent me an email with the following information:
DeMarcus Cousins, UK Basketball player, will be signing autographs at Cardboard Heroes at the Mall of St. Matthews in Louisville Ky from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on May 31. Tickets will be $35 for a signature for your own item and $40 for a signature and a 16X20 photo. Inscriptions will be $20 and personalization is free. Please Call 502-896-2111 for more information.
There you have it Cats fans. The Boogie Man will be signing autographs and probably dropping Boogieisms left and right. I will be making the trek to St. Matthews to meet my hero. It is recommended that Jared Swopshire steer clear of that entire area on May 31.
Jared will be at the Oxmoor Mall ....shaking uncontrollably JK>>>>