Amar'e Stoudamire was the big news so far in the free agent period as he joined the Knicks last week. That has now been eclipsed by the earth shattering development that the Miami Heat will retain the services of Dwayne Wade and will also add Chris Bosh to the roster. Even without LeBron James the Heat are now a contender to win the East and play in the Finals. I am not ready to say a contender to win it all just yet. Bosh and Wade are both set to receive the maximum salary as allowed by the NBA.
So where does that leave King James? LeBron is set to announce his decision on Thursday at 9 p.m on ESPN in an hour long special. What does that tell me? It tells me that something big is about to happen. I doubt that LeBron would call an hour long press conference to say that he is staying in Cleveland with no help coming his way. There are reports saying that the Knicks have lost steem in the race, the Nets are out and the Bulls are all but out. That leaves Miami and Cleveland. There have been not so subtle hints left by Chris Bosh on his twitter account that he and Wade are going to be playing with LeBron. Then there is this picture of Wade and Bosh at dinner with an empty chair between them, presumably an open spot for James to join them.
If James stays in Cleveland I think it would be the biggest mistake of his career. That franchise has done nothing to show him that they are serious about getting to tier talent to help him win a ring. Bringing in old, broke down Shaq and an old, broke down Antwan Jamison ain't getting it done. I think that James ends up in Miami and will win multiple titles. If Miami wants James then the team would have to open up some cap space. It is believed that the former #2 pick Michael Beasley would be the first to go.
On a personal note I will be taking a leave of absence from the blog in order to get married and go on my honeymoon. I know that all of you will be severely disappointed that you will not be able to read my pro-UK/anti-UofL tirades. Have no fear. By the time I get back, football talk will really heating up and not blogging for 2 weeks will make me anxious to get started again. I just hope one of my co-bloggers will step up to help Monster Mash during my absence.
Go Cats!
Congrats my friend....on the marriage...on the trip to Hawaii and just being you! We will miss you on here....but the trial is around the corner and then there is FOOTBALL.....forget Orton....he sealed his fate when he walked away from KY....no big lost there.....Love the new jerseys at the Hibbetts......Why number 2....doesnt Wall know what number 2 is???