Obama agree's - A glass half full is better than one that's plain empty.
So I'm a glass half full person - at least today. Crappy stuff happens, I'm going to try to believe it's emotional fertilizer for future life experiences, Kentucky loses everyone that played this season, that means more playing time for the new blue chip recruits, a horrible Duke team plays the easiest route to a National Championship and wins it all, at least when they all go play for the "WHITE-NBA" I won't have to see them anymore. What is amazing about our 7 man (and one woman) pool is that we only had 3 people finish above the 50%ile. Poor M. Wilson finished in the bottom 9.6%. It was truly uncompetitive. But as the winner, I accept my prize and embrace it like a Bob Huggins Bear Hug to a wounded player.
• Remember that the middle of the Big East is over rated. Ask M Wilson, he selected Georgetown to go to the Elite 8 (Round 1 Loss) and Villanova to move into the Final Four (Round 2 Loss).
• When you think something's fishy*, if it deals with Duke pick them to win it all. They were somehow awarded the 'easiest' of the brackets and received the National Championship on a golden platter. I think Duke Vitale knew about this, as he mysteriously didn't pick the Blue-Devils.
• If it looks like freshmen, acts like freshmen, and leave for the NBA draft as freshmen, they probably will eventually play like freshmen. Avoid the 2010 Kentucky's of the world when selecting the later rounds.• When you look at a team and you are picking upsets, steer towards the upsets you wouldn’t take, not the ones everyone takes. (14)Ohio beats (3)Georgetown, (10)St Mary's beats (2)Villanova and neither were picked by more than 5% of brackets. However, (13)Siena was a 45% selection to beat (4)Purdue - waaan waaah- Purdue wins easily.
That's it kids. That's all the help a mediocre bracket can give you. Next year, I'm sure there will be other patterns and things, but if you win - you can do the article.
*If it’s Karen Sypher, don't pick it, scratch it, or spread it – just see a doctor.
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